The Rev. Chana Tetzlaff – Associate for Children, Youth, and Families

Chana’s great joy in ministry is being a healing presence for those seeking and following Jesus Christ, helping people of faith to ask the deep questions about God and God’s activity in our lives. She is passionate about forming healthy communities that minister to and encourage one another in mutual relationship so that “it is in the shelter of each other that the people live” (old Irish proverb). As Jesus told us, we truly show our love for God when we show care and concern for every person we encounter, whether they are “like” us or not. 

Chana has served in a variety of ministry contexts, from a small town in Appalachia to a sleepy beach community to the suburbs of Indiana. Although a solo clergy person for most of her career, she delights in being part of a team and working together to help God’s people thrive in belonging. Chana has over two decades of leadership experience at the parish, Diocesan, and Provincial levels which include public and social justice advocacy, teaching for transformative change, and interfaith collaboration. She is a cum laude graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary (M.Div) and holds a Bachelor’s of the Arts in International Relations from the University of California at Davis in her native state.

In her spare time you’ll find Chana at a local coffee shop or foodie hangout, cooking gourmet meals, playing board games, knitting or painting watercolor, traveling, or exploring local activities and events with her spouse, TJ, and their dog, Momo.