Worship Ministries
Altar Guild
A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards.
Flower Guild
A volunteer group who makes flower arrangements for the enjoyment of in person worshipers, as well as those who worship online. New members are always welcomed and do not need any experience but the joy of flowers.
Altar flower memorials and thanksgivings are a lovely way to honor or remember those that are special in your life or those special moments in our life. When flowers are given in thanksgiving or as a memorial, a special announcement is printed in the Sunday bulletin and weekly eblast. With your donation, please submit the wording for the recognition to the church office. Donations can be submitted via check or online.
Donations support the annual flower budget and are so greatly appreciated!
Please contact Angie Yorath or Roger Stanley for more information.
Hospitality Guild
The goal is to establish St. Chrysostom’s as a Christian community that invites people in and connects them to each other, to God and to ministry. The Hospitality Guild works to create a warm and welcoming environment at St. Chrysostom’s, helping to create a culture of invitation and hospitality and to build a strong and lasting community.
If you are interested in getting involved, contact Priscilla Whittier or the Church Office.
A lay reader may participate in reading parts of the worship service. A lay reader may lead the liturgy for the Holy Eucharist through the prayers of the people.
Ushers make people feel welcome at church, assist clergy, assist with seating, distribute bulletins, provide directions, collect offering, and help maintain a safe environment.
An Acolyte is part of the vested ministry team that will help lead the congregation in worship. Carrying the processional cross, an acolyte leads the procession into and out of the church. Leading clergy in the gospel procession, one acolyte bears the gospel, and two others carry torches, signifying Christ’s light coming into the world as the gospel is read. An acolyte assists the presider at the altar; assists the ushers with offertory plates; prepares for the Eucharist by closing and opening the sanctuary gates.
The St. Chrysostom’s Singers and Children’s Chorister Program
Please visit the music page for more information on joining these parish music programs.