Dear friends in Christ,
The church year is a dance between feasting and fasting. For every Advent, there is a Christmas. For every Lent, there is an Easter. Lent, from a Latin word that means “spring,” is one of the great fasts of the church. It is a time of special contemplation of the state of one’s church, one’s life, one’s family, one’s soul. It is a time when Christians prepare for the Easter season by forty days of special devotion—by the taking on of a devotional practice or perhaps the giving up of a vice. I know friends who have looked at alcohol, or sweets, or screen time as potential vices to give up for Lent. I’ve also had colleagues who added walking meditations, yoga practices, or book studies to these special weeks as a way of increased focus on God and a life of faith. Here at St. Chrysostom’s, we have many ways to enter into Lent. A few are listed below:
Ash Wednesday Services – March 5, 2025
8am Spoken Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes | 6pm Choral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
Wednesday Evening Eucharist and Book Conversation
Come to the Crane Chapel for a short, spoken and contemplative Eucharist at 6pm, followed by a conversation about the book Having the Mind of Christ: Eight Axioms to Cultivate a Robust Faith by Ben Sternke and Matt Tebbe. Copies of the book are available at the back of the Sanctuary. We begin on March 12. Come having read the Introduction and the First Axiom. Eucharist is about 40 minutes, and then we will discuss the book for an hour. Questions? Email [email protected]
Saturday Morning Intercessory Prayer
Praying on behalf of others. Join us in the Crane Chapel for 6 Saturday mornings 8-9AM, Mar 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12th for Intercessory Prayer paired with Silent Prayer, as we pray for our world, our country, and our church family. Questions? Contact Deb Alexander [email protected]
Lenten Film Club
The Rector has chosen two films to screen in the Harding Room, after which we will have some good conversation about how these films interact with our faith in Lent. We will screen the films at 5pm. Let me know if you’re able to help set up and/or provide snacks. The films contain adult themes. Questions? Contact [email protected]
March 23: Babette’s Feast The 1988 Danish film Babette’s Feast is about how a feast can heal social divisions and restore a sense of community. The movie celebrates the transformative power of food and the artistry of a chef.
April 6: Antonia’s Line In the aftermath of WWII, strong-willed Antonia returns to her small hometown where she has inherited her mother’s farm. As the years unfold, love and tragedy come to Antonia and her daughter and the pair foster a vibrant circle of strong, liberated women.
Sunday Morning Adult Education
After the 10:15am service, join the Rector for a presentation of N.T. Wright’s The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, And Theology of the First Christians. This video series brings the New Testament to life. Join the Rector for a viewing and lively conversation. Sessions will take place in the Rector’s Study until we are able to return to the Guild Room post Music Room construction. Questions? Contact [email protected].
Consider availing yourself of one or more of these Lenten opportunities. It is a special time of year, and the preparation for Easter can be a spiritually rewarding experience. Church and Day School parents and grandparents, keep your eyes peeled for Lenten family opportunities from Rev. Chana, and as always, Music at St. Chrysostom’s continues during Lent on Sunday mornings as well as for some special concerts.
May you have a blessed and meaningful Lent.
In Christ,
The Rev. Dr. Ian Burch, Rector