Close the Gap! 22% in 22 days beginning September 22

Last week, with deliberation and excitement, your wardens, vestry, and clergy met and discussed the extraordinary changes in our parish over the last few months—renewed vigor in worship, service, formation for all ages, as well as fantastic new staffing for church and school. We are primed and ready for what God has in store for us in this next chapter of our St. Chrysostom’s story.

As might be expected in a year of transition, there is a financial gap between what we have raised as a church so far in 2024 and what we need to raise—a $161,000 gap. So, in faith, the vestry is coming to the entire parish with an ask.

If you are a 2024 pledger, we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your pledge by 22% for this current year. If 22% is not a workable number for your family at this time, every dollar increased helps us toward our goal of raising $161,000 in three weeks. Everyone’s financial story is different, and every gift is important. We can finish strong in 2024 supporting our new Rector and new Associate if each parish family who has pledged contributes an additional $22 for each $100 pledged for 2024.

If, for any reason, you have not made a pledge for 2024, now is the opportunity. Every new gift given in these next three weeks—of any amount—will count toward our goal and put us firmly in the black when we close the books on 2024.

For parish families who have not yet made a pledge, newcomers and members of our day school community inspired to support the church, the average gift would be $2,175 (one-third of the average 2024 parish pledge gift covering the last third of our fiscal year through December). Of course, this amount would be more or less depending on individual circumstances and capacity to give.

Thank you for your generosity and your faithfulness to this place. We will close this gap and close this campaign on October 13th and then launch our church into our 2025 stewardship season. You may give online using the link button below, or write “Close the Gap” in the memo line of your check. If you need any assistance in giving, or have any questions, please contact our controller Nancy Motomochi ([email protected]) or call the Parish Office at 312-944-1083.