Planned Giving

Honoring St. Chrysostom’s Legacy While Providing for Future Generations

Since St. Chrysostom’s was founded in 1893, many generations of parishioners have led with foresight and given generously to build a safe, secure, and nurturing community that will serve God and our neighbors for generations to come. We are called to do the same.

We remain grateful to our many Good Shepherds, whose gifts, large and small, have ensured the ongoing strength and vitality St. Chrysostom’s enjoys today. We invite you to consider including St. Chrysostom’s Church in your estate plans as well.


Join the Good Shepherds’ Society


The Good Shepherds’ Society was created to honor parishioners who have thoughtfully designated St. Chrysostom’s Church as recipient of a gift in their wills or living trusts, or as beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy or other type of planned gift.

Many of our parishioners and community have been delighted to learn how they can provide for their family members while remembering St. Chrysostom’s as well.

Please contact John Craib-Cox at (312) 593-6183, Mike Lisle at (847) 404-6632 or the church office (312) 944-1083.

  • Learn about making a tax-deductible charitable gift to St. Chrysostom’s.
  • Notify us of provisions you have made for St. Chrysostom’s in your estate plans.
  • Review your current planned gift arrangements and consider new options.

The Episcopal Church Foundation provides a helpful document on Planning For the End of Life.