Ways to give


Please check out the many ways to give & make a difference at St. Chrysostom’s.

Online Bill Pay or Credit Card

Contributions can be made online through a bank account or credit card. Simply click on the Give Online Now link.

Check or Cash 

Simply mail or provide to the church office and pay weekly, monthly, or annually, your choice. Contributions can also be made through the weekly offertory.

Appreciated Stock Transfer

Donating stocks and mutual fund shares offers you valuable financial benefits including being tax-deductible. Contact Shelly Banks, or download the form, for details.

Direct Charitable Distribution from Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 

An account holders aged 70½ or older who contribute directly from a traditional IRA to a qualified charity can donate without it being considered a taxable distribution.

Donor Advised Fund

Donor-advised funds are charitable giving accounts, offered by a sponsoring organization, that are designed to be accessible, simple and less expensive alternatives to setting up a private foundation. Put your money in, let the sponsoring institution manage it, and then make a donation.

Make an Honor or Memorial Gift

Celebrate the life of a friend or loved one by making a donation in their honor or memory. 

Matching Program

Reach out to your employer to inquire about the possibility of a charitable match gift.

Workplace Giving

Companies offer workplace giving programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. We accept financial gifts from all workplace giving programs. Check with your employer to see if you can use a payroll deduction program to give a gift.

Bequests or Life Insurance

Including St. Chrysostom’s in your estate plans is a convenient way to provide significant future support to St. Chrysostom’s while allowing you to retain the flexibility to update your plans as circumstances change. Please refer to Planned Giving for more information.

Non-Monetary Giving

All non-monetary gifts to St. Chrysostom’s must be approved by a vote of the Vestry. For more information on our acquisitions policy and to determine if your gift is an appropriate match for our needs, please contact Tim Crum, Director of Operations..